Lucian Bebchuk is professor of law, economics and finance and director of the program on corporate governance at Harvard law School.卢西恩·别布丘克(Lucian Bebchuk)是法学、...【详情】
2018年9月5日,由深圳市内容中心网络与区块链重点实验室、中国计算机学会青年计算机科技论坛深圳(CCF Young Computer Scientists Engineers Forum,全称为YOCSEF)联合主办的学术报告共享交流会在北京大学深圳研究生院举行。...【详情】
The iPhone 11 has a dual camera, which includes a second camera featuring an ultra-wide lens. Artificial intelligence capabilities in the camera will auto-adjus...【详情】
Facebook has created a new “social VR” team, led by two video gaming executives, ahead of the launch of its Oculus Rift headset next month.在将要于下月发售Oculus Rift头盔...【详情】
Apple has finally inked a deal with one of China’s largest wireless providers, drastically increasing its potential footprint in one of the company’s most impor...【详情】